Wednesday, May 16, 2012

To Do List

There is exactly one week left of school. 7 days, counting the weekend. 5, not counting the weekend. 4, not counting the days of my AP exams. There are still so many things that I have yet to accomplish!
1. Attend Lovely Lane Lunch. I’ve gone to this school for four years, and they have always had Lovely Lane on Tuesdays, yet, for some reason, I have never gone. I have one Tuesday left, and if they stopped serving lunch for the year, I will be eternally regretful. It is something that every Kennedy student should do I feel like. Donate a couple of dollars and eat good food. Lets face it. It has to be better than the cafeteria food. So Tuesday, that is where you will find me during lunch.
2. Get on the roof. This isn’t necessarily allowed, but I’ve got a few friends who know how to do it, so I’d like to go, before I graduate, and snap a few pictures. Lets be real, I’m not coming back to climb on the roof, I can’t wait to get away from this place.
3. Become an AP scholar. I have taken several AP tests now, and I want to know why I’m not on the AP scholar list dammit! I need to figure out these requirements. I want my picture in the case!
4. Send a thank you card to all of my teachers. They taught me and put up with my bad attitude for four years. They deserve a thank you. You should do the same.
5. I won’t actually do this, but if I could call out every person who has done me wrong, I would. I might even punch them in the face, depending on the person. I’m leaving CR. Why hold back any longer?
6. Pull a senior prank. A harmless one though. We are probably the lamest class. It took us until our senior year to win the spirit stick, and the only reason we won was because it was designed for the seniors to win. The Harding class of 2008 didn’t pull a prank. I feel like we need to do something! Dump a bunch of food coloring into the pool, attach string to all of the seniors as they walk through the school on the last day, making a giant spider web. Dump a shit ton of bouncy balls into the foyer. I don’t care, but have never done anything.
7. Wear my “Not everything in Iowa is flat” shirt to school. I’ve bought it, I just haven’t worn it.
Yeah, I’m sure there is more, but at this point in time, this is all I can come up with.
Sarah =]

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