Tuesday, May 22, 2012


As we all know, I am moving to Milwaukee for college in the fall. There are many people who I will not miss, but there are few that I will, one of them being my sister.

Kayla isn’t easy to define. She’s beautiful, a smart ass, self-conscious (though you’d never guess it), ornery, hipster, and like an onion. She doesn’t look like me (we don’t think). She gets into these spells where the only thing she wants to do is sit on you. She never sleeps. She’s the best.

Every morning, she takes forever to get ready. I go into our bathroom for my morning pee while she is getting ready in there and she complains about how my pee smells. And I tell her it is a bathroom and that is what people do in bathrooms. This exchange happens every single morning without fail. Some days it’s with a punch to the boob, others it is with a giggle and a flick of the vent switch.

It’s funny. When we were little we never got along. Her being bigger than me, she would sit on top of the over turned laundry basket, trapping me underneath. We were always fighting about one thing or another, and now that we get along, I’m leaving. My sister expressed this to me with a laugh, but I know her well enough to know that she is going to miss me. And I’ll miss her too. Who else is going to chase me around the house and noodle me? Who else will always be willing to watch Criminal Minds with me? Who else will understand me as well as she does?

What I love most about my sister is her personality. Though she looks like super-duper mainstream bitch on the outside, she is really like me on the inside. She loves my music. She has wild get togethers every single weekend at our house. She likes arts and crafts. She has the oddest sense of humor (one time at the dinner table, she envisioned me with hotdogs sticking out of my eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. She didn’t stop laughing for days), and the most contagious laugh I have ever heard.

She has her good days and her bad. Her sarcasm is never-ending, but neither are her giggles or her love for cleanliness (Her room is spotless. If you touch something, she will know). Even though we still fight, and I hate her desire for perfection, I’m going to miss my sister in college. She won’t be there when I can’t sleep. She won’t be there when I have a desire to take pictures. And she won’t be there when I want to go shopping (she keeps me in check). I love Kayla.


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