Wednesday, May 16, 2012

For the Teachers

My high school experience would not have been what it was without my teachers. So I decided to devote my blog to you.
Mr. Neff, you are the best teacher I’ve had. From the jolly ranchers, to the lunch menu, to the keeping contact through my entire high school career, you were by far my favorite. Even though I failed every test of Advanced Geometry, you took the time to help me learn after school.
Mrs. Walsh, you’re awesome. Not only did you teach me the basics of my future career, you helped me become the artist I am today
Mrs. Riley, you hada different last name when you were my LA 9 teacher, I just don’t remember what it was.
Foundations teachers, i learned nothing from you. It’s not your fault, I just didn’t know how much of a waste of time it was going to be. Thanks for raising my GPA anyway.
Mr. Lindsay, I missed you this year. You spoiled us, and we enjoyed it
Mme. Riffe. I enjoyed cooking French cuisines in your class, seeing as we were in a kitchen of a classroom.
Mr. Beal, you’re an asshole.
Mr. Thompson, you’re a great teacher. I actually learned in your class while enjoying it.
Mr. Stoll. You were my Biology teacher your first year here. You’re attractive, and I thought it was entertaining how you used cows in every one of your examples.
Mme. Ryan, you’re class was the best. French was seriously my favorite class of everyday. It was nice seeing you at Carlos o’ Kelly’s that one time.
Ms. Bush, your jokes are great.
Mr. Anderson, you were the highlight of my morning. 0 hour was tolerable! I thank you greatly for allowing me to fetch some Breakfast Club every Friday
Mr. Moran, you were one of my all time favorite teachers, even though I feel like you didn’t like me as a student. I would apologize for arguing with you in class, but I’m not sorry. I liked when you were sarcastic and played your guitar. Seriously, it was awesome.
Mr. Evans, thank you for putting up with my consistent whining in your class, and for not counting me tardy every time I was a bit late.
Mr. Hoyer, I adore your children.
Mr. Grady, I feel comfortable with the concept of economics, I applaud you for having the ability to teach me such a complex subject
Mrs. Horton, I apologize on Hunter’s behalf.
Ms. Asmussen, you are the sweetest teacher ever! I’m sorry I always fall asleep in your class, you have to understand, it’s the end of the day and I’m exhausted!
Mrs. Haynes-Moore, you have a great taste in music.

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