Sunday, May 20, 2012


Sparks, Nicholas. A Walk to Remember. New York, NY: Warner, 1999. 


The final book that I read this last year of high school was A Walk to Remember. Again, another Nicholas Sparks novel, and again, a movie, and again, found on my mother's bookshelf.

I didn't find as much of a connection in this book as I did in The Notebook. It could be because I have not seen the movie, and that might have helped me connect the The Notebook. But with A Walk to Remember, the main character is supposedly in love with this girl, and I didn't feel it until we discovered that she had cancer.

However, this was a truly inspiring story, and the end is what was best. She actually didn't die from cancer! He was talking about how he never felt the need to take off his wedding band and blah blah blah, and it was because he was still married to her! She didn't die! That seriously made me so happy, I thought this was going to be another sad book.

There wasn't much relating that I could do with this book. I'm not dying from cancer, I'm not in love with someone who is dying from cancer, I don't torment priests, I didn't marry a girl who was dying from cancer. I don't know why, but I just didn't feel this book that much at all.

If there was one thing that it reminded me of though, it would be Merry Christmas Charlie Brown, mostly because they put on a Christmas play too. And the whole loving someone who is dying from cancer seems like something that would happen to Charlie Brown with his luck and all.

I dunno, this was a kind of disappointing Annotated Bib, and I apologize for that, but I just don't have anything more to say except, I'M DONE!

Also, here is my reading total for this term: 1094 pages.

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