Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Let's continue on with the people I will miss in college, shall we?

My brother Joseph, oh he is quite the character. When he was just a baby, we used to call him Mr. Wrinkles because he would constantly raise his eyebrows and create 29387523872034  wrinkles on his forehead. Later in life, before he could decide things on his own, My sister and I would dress him up in poodle skirts and put make up on him. He even used to ask me to paint his toenails like spiderman!

Nowadays, Joseph is 11. I love his spirit and love for life. He is currently what I like to call a walking, talking, iPod. He sings all the time, any song that you can think of. These days, he can decide that he doesn't want to be dressed up like a 50's girl. So we have matching pajamas instead. On Thursdays, we wear batman pajama pants or boxers. On Sundays we wear our matching footie pajamas. 

I'm not too fooled by his lack of desire to dress up, he is still a little kid at heart. He still comes into my room at bed time asking if he can sleep with me, and when I say now, he still asks if I will come sleep in his room. He still sleeps with a light on. and his favorite movie is still Underdog. 

I am so proud of how active my brother is in sports, and how accepting of others he is. I love that he is growing to have a mind of his own and making his own decisions about his activities. I wish that he would spend a little less time on the Xbox, but he is a boy. And boys like video games. 

Though I won't miss the extra body in my tiny twin bed, I'll miss my brother's enthusiasm at the sight of me. You see, while I am in college, he is sure to go through puberty, realize that he is too old to be hugging and telling me that he loves me. I am trying to cherish this time that I have. When I come back, I'll try to remember this Joseph, not the annoying pervert he, like all teenage boys, is sure to become. 


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