Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Beautiful Tuesday

As we all know, yesterday was Beautiful Tuesday at Kennedy high school. The purpose was to send the message that everyone is beautiful, and that make up isn’t needed to make you beautiful. Participating senior girls were to dress up and not wear any make up. Also, all of the mirrors in the girls bathrooms around the school were covered to inspire the young women to go the day without worrying about what they looked like.
However, leave it to immature, caddy high school girls to take something that is supposed to be inspiring and beautiful and turn it into some sort of ugly war. All of the drama was unnecessary and caused by bitches who aren’t comfortable with their own face. I’m sorry, but can you really not, not look at yourself in a mirror for 6 hours of a day? It’s not like we covered up all of the schools reflective surfaces! There were still plenty of trophy cases and windows to look at yourself in. It isn’t Mariah, or my , or Cassidy, or Hunter’s fault that you aren’t comfortable enough with yourself to not wear make up to school. It wasn’t required that you participate, but silent refusal would have been nice. Why did this become such a big issue?
I heard some people say that one day wouldn’t make a difference, but guess what? That isn’t the point. As seniors, we are the schools role models. By not wearing make up and being confident about it, it shows the underclassmen that it is okay to be RAW. They look up to us, believe it or not, and how do you think it looks when we can’t even get along for the soul cause of trying to make women feel better about themselves. We are all women, why the hell are we fighting about our image?
Someone said, “So I’m supposed to dress up, meaning push my boobs up, and not wear make up, so they look at my boobs instead? Yeah, no thank you.” Uhmmm…since when did dressing up require boobs to be falling out of whatever you happen to be wearing? This person completely missed the message that Beautiful Tuesday was trying to send. I’m sorry, but Beautiful Tuesday was a lot bigger than just you. It was about women as a whole. Open your eyes and stop being so ignorant.
No, you didn’t have to participate in Beautiful Tuesday. If you wore make up, it didn’t mean that you were against it or that you were vain. There is an extremely obvious difference in the people who were vain and self-centered, and those who were not. The vain, self-centered people tried to rip down the posters and ruin the day for everyone.
I don’t care who you are. Whether you have a problem with the person who started the movement at Kennedy, whether you like to wear make up, or if you’re the vainest person on Earth. Beautiful Tuesday was supposed to be bigger than all of that. It was to raise confidence in the women at Kennedy. Get your head out of your asses and open your eyes. The world doesn’t revolve around you. And it isn’t my problem that you aren’t comfortable enough to not wear make up or to not look at yourself for 6 hours out of the day. It doesn’t mean that you have to ruin everyone elses time. So next time, participate, support, or silently disagree.
By the way, I congratulate those who participated and started Beautiful Tuesday. They made the Channel 2 news at 3, 6, and 10. If that doesn’t prove that this whole thing is bigger than just you, then i don’t know what does.

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