Tuesday, May 22, 2012


The gesture is simple. Present the girl with a flower, and she will be yours forever, right? Well even if that isn’t so, being a girl, I know that we like flowers.

Honestly, it’s the thought that counts. We appreciate the fact that we were on your mind enough for you to want to do something special for us. For some reason I cannot fathom, it seems as though the majority of the male gender has forgotten how to impress women.

I always hear people talking about how their boyfriend didn’t do this, or their boyfriend did this but it wasn’t good enough. In this case, I don’t consider it the male’s fault. I wouldn’t want to get your whiney, unappreciative ass a flower either. If you expect it, you don’t deserve it. And bitch! Be happy you have someone who cares about you. Flowers don’t make a relationship.

However, it can be said that a flower makes a girls day. Today some seniors recieved flowers from parents or other students at Kennedy. I got some from my family, and then I walk into AP Lang to discover that Tommy Kaiser saved me a flower for no reason. It honestly was the highlight of my day!

Other notes:

Carnations are a douchebags flowers (unless those happen to be your favorite).

My favorite flower is a Tiger Lilly, just for reference in case you ever have the desire to send me some sort of flower at any random future date.

Roses are classic. If you don’t know what type of flower to get, get a rose. You can’t go wrong. Unless they don’t like flowers. Then you’re in trouble if it’s for an ungrateful person. A deserving person will thank you for the gesture anyway. And if they’re allergic to roses, offer to drive them to the hospital.


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