Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Final Blog of this school year, and I am going to make it about my dog. I feel as though my dog deserves some recognition in the world before she passes away (not that it is going to be anytime soon. I just am doing it now). 

I have a yellow lab named Lucy. She is a girl (just to clear up any potential confusion). We got her when I was in 5th grade. My sister was still a dire lover of animals, and my brother just thought it was another toy to play with. She was so tiny, I could pick her up even as my 5th grade, small, self. 

When we brought her home, we let her explore the backyard (Which is large for a back yard). The grass was up to her belly and she was galloping around with her big paws. She was so happy!

That entire first summer, Lucy began to grow. We trained her well. She wasn't allowed to go into the living room or upstairs. She wasn't allowed on the furniture. There were several tricks and commands that she picked up quickly too. We taught her not to dig and gave her tons of love. In her free time, she slept. I can remember being so  bored with my dog because she never did anything. Then one hot day Lucy discovered the bathroom. What she discovered was that the tile was cool, and it was especially cool underneath the backside of the toilet. So that is where she spent her nap time from then on. When she was outside, her favorite thing to do was play soccer. I don't know why, but us kicking a ball around really got her excited. She's great defense. 

Now, Lucy is too big to fit under the toilet (the day she discovered this was a sad one. She moped to rest of the day, until she discovered the fire-place was just as cool), She is allowed in the living room, upstairs, and on some furniture. She doesn't bark and never has. The most menacing thing she has ever done is whip someone with her wagging tail. She loves to cuddle and watch TV.

There isn't anything that I am not going to miss about my dog. I'll miss her sneaky, stubborn ways. I'll miss her begging me for food at the dinner table. I'll miss her shoving her toys into my lap because she wants to play. I'll miss her incredibly excited jumping as we get ready to take her for a walk or a  car ride. I'll miss snuggling with her when there is a storm and she fears the thunder. I'll miss how she tilts her head when you ask her a question. And I'll miss her big brown eyes that always get me to hand over some food. I'll miss my dog so much =[

Lucy Joedog Sickles (My brother came up with her middle name)
If you ever come across her, watch out, she might lick you to death. 


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