Monday, May 21, 2012

Growing Up

This isn't about to be some graduation that is looming in the near future, no, this is about our society as a whole.

Lately I've been noticing that our society pushes us to grow up faster and faster, trying to make us mature at a younger age. Though yes, technically, we do physically mature at a younger age than in previous years, that doesn't mean that we are matured emotionally at that same young age.

Just as I was logging into my email on Yahoo, I noticed something about Miley Cyrus being pants-less. Now I am all about hating on Miley. I find her fake and ridiculous. So I decided to investigate. Little to my surprise, once again, Miley is trying too hard, and failing, at looking mature. In this story, at the Billboard awards, she is seen wearing nothing but a low cut blazer, with an atrocious hair cut stated by Yahoo as "appropriate for a singer in her 40s, but certainly not for a 19-year-old pop singer." Oh! Miley is only 19?! Wow imagine that.

However, Miley Cyrus is not the only one suffering from pressure provided by our society. Has anyone else noticed how in the movies, teenagers are played by people in their 20s? I mean, when I was little, I used to imagine how I would look when I was 17, but here I am, looking much younger than they do in the movies or on TV. I mean, look at Hannah Montana, since we were talking about Miley Cyrus. Her older brother's character is supposed to be a high schooler, but is played by an actor who is 35. Crazy huh? Don't believe me? Google it.

Finally, let's look at the grand Cosmopolitan. I don't mean grand in any sort of condescending manner, I love the magazine, but two issues in a row, they had young people. Dakota Fanning and Selena Gomez are both old enough to be high schoolers. High schoolers, on the cover of a sex magazine. Does anyone else see what is wrong with this?

Honestly, I feel like our society is so fucked up. This is just another example to prove my point.


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